Sustainability Institute

所谓,十年树木,百年树人  (Translation: As the saying goes, it takes ten years to cultivate a tree, and a hundred more to nurture and educate a person holistically.)  

Founded by Sequoia in January 2008, the Sustainability Institute is an actualisation of the Sequoia Story to help build sustainable long-term capacities for Positive Impact. Sustainability Institute connects the agenda of organisation development to sustainability. 

Since 2008, we have been providing a comprehensive suite of capacity-building programmes tailored for individuals, organisations and the society leveraging on these innovative theories, tools and methodologies. Over the past two decades, methodologies and practices in strength-based approaches such as Appreciative Inquiry, Theory-U and organizational learning disciplines such as Systems Thinking have greatly enhanced the impact and effectiveness of sustainability efforts.

A shift is taking place. Organizations across the globe are awakening to the reality that green business practices can provide competitive advantages while simultaneously producing world benefit. Sequoia is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and citizen supporter of the Aim2Flourish initiative of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at the Weatherhead School of Management – Case Western Reserve University. We believe the framework of Living OD is poised to help organizations live out their purpose for the long run on all scales – individual, organisational, societal and ecological. 

You will learn through our programmes that sustainability is beyond going green. It involves leading, learning and living in ways that are both sensible and innovative – socially, economically and environmentally.

Get in touch with us to find out how our team can help you strengthen your core capabilities for long-term superior performance and lasting positive impact – Doing Good Well. Read more on our approach to make every organisation a force for good.